
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle E recension (Gomme)

And he [Tostig] fared to Scotland with twelve small vessels ; and Harold the Norwegian king met him with three hundred ships, and Tostig submitted to him; and they both fared into Humber until they came to York. And earl Morcar and earl Edwin fought against them; and the Norwegian king had the victory. And it was made known to king Harold how there ait was done and had happened; and he came with a great host of Englishmen and met him at Stamford-bridge and slew him and the earl Tostig and stoutly overcame the whole host. And the while earl William landed at Hastings on St. Michael's mass-day; and Harold came from the north and fought against him before his host had all arrived; and there he fell and his two brothers, Gyrth and Leofwin. And William conquered this land ; and came to Westminster, and archbishop Ealdred consecrated him king, and men paid him a geld and gave hostages and afterwards redeemed their lands.