
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle / E recension (Giles)

And he [Tostig] went to Scotland with twelve vessels ; and Harold the king of Norway
met him with three hundred ships, and Tosty submitted to him ; and
they both went into Humber, until they came to York. And Morcar the
earl, and Edwin the earl, fought against them ; and the king of the Norwegians
had the victory. And it was made known to king Harold how it
there was done, and had happened ; and he came there with a great army
of English men, and met him at Stanfordbridge, and slew him and the earl
Tosty, and boldly overcame all the army. And the while, William the
earl landed at Hastings, on St. Michael's-day : and Harold came from the
north, and fought against him before all his army had come up : and there
he fell, and his two brothers. Girth and Leofwin ; and William subdued
this land. And he came to Westminster, and archbishop Aldred consecrated
him king, and men paid him tribute, and delivered him hostages,
and afterwards bought their land.