Meanwhile Earl Tostig came into the Humber with sixty ships, and Earl Edwin came with a land-army and drove him out, and the boatmen deserted him; and he went to Scotland with 12 cutters, and there Harald king of Norway met him with three hundred ships, and Tostig submitted to him and became his man, and they both went into the Humber until they came to York and there Earl Edwin and Earl Morcar, his brother, fought against them, but the Northmen had the victory. Then Harold, king of the English, was informed that this had come about there - and this fight was on the Vigil of St Matthew. Then Harold our king came upon the Northmen by surprise, and encountered them beyond York at Stamford Bridge with a great raiding army of English people; and there was that day a very hard fight on both sides. There were killed Harald Fine-hair and Earl Tostig, ad the Northmen who remained there were put to flight, and the English fiercely attacked them from behind until some odf them came to ship, some drowned and some also burnt, and thus variously perished, so that there were few survivors, and the English had possession of the place of slaughter. The king then gave safe-conduct to Olaf, the son of the king of the Norse, and to their bishop, and to the earl of Orkney and to all those who were left on the ships. And they then went up to our king and swore oaths that they would always keep peace and friendship in this land; and the king let them go home with 24 ships. These two national fights were accomplished within five days.
Then Earl William came from Normandy to Pevensey on the eve of feast of St Michael, and as soon as they were fit, made a castle at Hastings market-town. Then this became known to King Harold and he gathered a great raiding party, and came against him at the grey apple-tree.·And William came upion him by surprise before his people were marshalled. Nevertheless the king fought very hard against him with those men who wanted to support him, and there was a great slaughter on either side. There were killed King Harold, and Earl Leofwine his brother and Earl Gyrth his brother, and many good men. And the French had possession of the place of slaughter, just as God granted them because of the people's sins. Arch bishop Aldred and the garrison in London wanted to have Prince Edgar just as was his natural right; and Edwin and Morcar promised him that they would fight for him, but always when it should have been furthered, so from day to day the later the worse it got, just as it all did in the end. And Earl William went back again to Hastings and waited there to see if he would be submitted to.